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Cryptosoft – Crypto Trading Bot Review by Traders

13 min
Cryptosoft Review


Supposed crypto trading bot
There are no commissions
False claims regarding the use of advanced algorithms
Fake reviews



  • Easy to use
  • Free to use


  • Losing a deposit is just as easy and free
  • Only two functions
  • No working Cryptosoft mobile app
  • Reports of deceived users

Key takeways

  1. No minimum deposit is required, but this does not guarantee that scammers will not call you after registration to convince you to make a deposit.
  2. One of the websites is a copy of the Crypto Superstar website, which leads to the conclusion that this is a well-organized group of scammers working on several fronts at the same time.
  3. These scammers redirect potential users to another website for offshore brokers, making it impossible for people to get their money back when they figure out the scheme.


How to use Cryptosoft – Full Review: What Is Cryptosoft and Is It a Legit Trading Bot?

In this Cryptosoft review, we will examine this alleged crypto trading bot and check to see if it is prudent to invest money with this platform. 

This trading platform is supposed to work by analyzing the cryptocurrency market and by auto trading on the users’ behalf. In theory, it will perform technical analysis, examine market fluctuations and market trends, and generate a passive income for you. Moreover, it will eliminate any emotional trading that humans are prone to. 

And all of this while you’re relaxing or attending to other matters. There’s no trading technique needed. The only thing you need to do is adjust the auto trading settings and trading parameters. Sounds great, but that’s exactly what the scammers want you to think.

As a rule, trading carries risks and there’s a necessity for plenty of trading research, but reliable trading robots do exist. However, it can be tricky to find them. 

That’s because they’re obscured by a long line of trading robots that are nothing more than immoral scams made to rid users of their money. However, with thorough research, it’s possible to identify a fraudulent trading platform. 

Scammers usually make similar mistakes and don’t put much effort into their schemes, as they believe that the prospect of an easy passive income will be so alluring that people will be easily fooled. 

In order to find out the truth, we will take a look at their website, ease of use, and testimonials. We will also check for any discrepancies in the data provided on their website and information we can find elsewhere. 

In the end, we will assess all of the data gathered and give our final verdict about the Cryptosoft trading bot. But, first, let’s take a look at some of the features and give an overall assessment.

Security (everything about licensing, docs, secure systems, etc) 0%
Ease of use 100%
UI/UX 60%
Minimum deposit and payment options 10%
Demo account 0%
Support and tutorials 0%
Profit (according to User reviews) 0%
Overall rating 10%


We have managed to find five Cryptosoft websites. When looking at them, it is obvious that they really put any effort into just two of them. The rest do not even offer any basic information.

first Cryptosoft site
second Cryptosoft site
third Cryptosoft site
forth Cryptosoft site
fifth Cryptosoft site

As standardized for all of these schemes, everything is free of charge. There aren’t and never will be any fees at all, including hidden fees. We can’t help but wonder how they plan on paying the bills if they are basically running a charity. Probably by taking the users’ money and disappearing as quickly as possible.

The novelty with Cryptosoft is that there isn’t a minimum deposit necessary to start trading. At least none is specified on any of their websites. It appears that you can invest as much as you want after creating a Cryptosoft account. That is until we get to the Trustpilot reviews, which paint a different picture.

The scarce information we could get from their best-designed website, tells us that they use advanced algorithms to analyze the trading signals on the crypto market, look for lucrative trades, and provide the best investment advice. 

They do state you need to set the parameters, which is probably the only true information on the entire website.

As standardized for all of these schemes, everything is free of charge, including the withdrawal process. There aren’t and never will be any fees at all, including hidden fees. 

We can’t help but wonder how they plan on paying the bills if they are basically running a charity. Probably by taking the users’ money and disappearing as quickly as possible.

The novelty with Cryptosoft is that there isn’t a minimum deposit necessary to start trading. At least none is specified on any of their websites. It appears that you can invest as much as you want into your trading process after initially creating a Cryptosoft account. That is until we get to the Trustpilot reviews, which paint a different picture.

The scarce information we could get from their best-designed website, tells us that they use advanced algorithms to analyze the trading signals on the crypto market, look for lucrative trades, and provide the best investment advice. 

They do state you need to set the parameters, which is probably the only true information on the entire website.

No Minimum Deposit is Needed, Suspiciously 

While there’s no minimum deposit required, that doesn’t mean that the scammers won’t call you after registering in order to persuade you to place a deposit. 

On the contrary, they make it possible for users to place any deposit, so that the chance of those users leaving their trading capital for scammers is higher. Totally in line with this practice are the quick registration process and the non-existent verification system for the users.

Think about it, if you had to place a $250 deposit, as is usually the case, you’d have to think about it harder than if you could just place, for example, $100. And this is precisely what the con artists behind the Cryptosoft platform will insist on when calling you. 

In other words, Cryptosoft operates by trying to convince you to leave a smaller amount of money. Then, if you’re not satisfied with the trading bot’s service after using it, there won’t be much harm done, they’ll say. 

Well, that’s just what they want you to believe. In this way, these scammers are more cunning than the rest of the bunch:

Replicated Websites

One of the websites associated with Cryptosoft is a 1/1 replica of the Crypto Superstar’s. This leads us to conclude that this is a well-organized group of scammers working on multiple fronts at once. If they don’t get lucky with one “crypto trading bot”, they will just go after users under a different name.

We’ve seen so many fake trading robots now, and they keep springing up like mushrooms after a rain. It’s logical to wonder how many of these fraudulent bots were “made” by the same scammers. They probably won’t stop trying to extract money out of unsuspecting users until they’ve been caught and brought to justice. Let’s hope we won’t have to wait too long for that to happen.

Crypto Superstar’s site is similar
cryptosoft net frontpage

An Interesting (and Fake) Story about Cryptosoft

On one of their websites, Cryptosoft plays a video of their satisfied customers before prompting you to sign up. The video specifies that only the first 77 people to sign up will get it for free and forever. 

The satisfied customers have been making absurd amounts of money. The video states that you can make $1,760 daily. While occasionally possible, you will agree that it is impossible to do it every day unless you make a high-value-high-risk investment, which we do not recommend. 

Cryptosoft is supposed to analyze the market signals and offers considered investment advice that’s so perceptive it can make you a fortune in no time. They want you to believe that there’s no need to ever trade manually; just let Cryptosoft trade Bitcoin and altcoins instead of you and wait until you get rich. 

Of course, this is obviously a greatly exaggerated profit prediction, as it is common with this kind of scam.

Who is Thomas Green?

In the video, the CEO and “inventor” of the Cryptosoft trading algorithm, Thomas Green introduces himself, but only vocally. We don’t see a picture of this person. Why wouldn’t he show his face if he was an honest entrepreneur?

Furthermore, there aren’t any articles or posts about this person who has, allegedly, made millions in crypto trading. This guy’s supposed to be successful as Sam Bankman-Fried or Brian Armstrong, but nobody’s ever heard of him. 

One would expect to find some newspaper articles or at least one or two social media accounts. We’ve found zero. 

Fake Badges to Make You Trust Cryptosoft

One of the Cryptosoft websites even has badges at the bottom to make you trust them. 

So, the first one is pretty standard, it is an SSL certificate. This means that the communication between you and the website’s server is encrypted and it is highly unlikely for hackers to intercept it.

This doesn’t mean that your personal information is protected from those who are in on the scam. While hackers won’t be able to steal your personal information, you’re already dealing with dangerous cybercriminals, who created well-known scam network:

Now, the other two badges are far more interesting. 

Fake Badges of Cryptosoft

The first one is posted on several other websites to guarantee you will be satisfied with their service. Take note that it isn’t anything official. No external entity guarantees you satisfaction and it is not an award. It’s just a badge created by scammers in order to deceive users.

badge is very similar to Guilded’s logo

The other badge is very similar to Guilded’s logo, which is a video game chat service. It has nothing to do with cryptocurrencies. It’s supposed to look fancy in order to impress the users, but you shouldn’t fall for it. So basically, they all mean nothing in terms of assurances and protection.

Guilded’s logo

Fake Address

As it is common with these scams, there is only a “Contact Us” form, not any real contact information, and certainly not a physical address. 

This is, of course, highly suspicious. When you’re dealing with trading software that puts your money on the line, you want to be able to reach the developers quickly so that they may answer any questions you may have, at any time. 

Luckily, Trustpilot can be trusted to have a listed address for almost any business.

Fake Address on Trustpilot

And when we searched for the same address on the official government website in the UK, we have gotten a completely different company:

Aldgate East Technologies Ltd. does not exist

Aldgate East Technologies Ltd. does not exist in the online sphere anywhere. No website, no newspaper articles, nothing. So, a name that’s just as fake as everything else connected with this scam. Of course, this tells us all we need to know about this company.

Fake Testimonials and Reviews

When we went on the properly designed website for Cryptosoft, we got to see testimonials from satisfied customers. They are all extremely pleased with Cryptosoft, singing high praises for it.

We have researched the people who left these reviews and gotten the following results:

Fake Testimonials on Crunchbase
Fake Testimonials on Linkedin
Fake Testimonials on Twitter
Alana Besner
Fake review
Fake review
Fake review

The first person is most likely real and has quite probably had his picture misused. Presumably, this was done without his knowledge, making him another victim of these immoral people. 

The other two people which have, supposedly, left positive testimonials are used and abused in many a corner of the internet for reviews and similar shenanigans. 

You’d think that scammers would have at least used new photos for their fake testimonials, but no, they’re too lazy for that.

Fake Cryptosoft Reviews on Trustpilot

Just when we thought we’d discovered all of the websites, another one popped up. Just how many websites do these people have?

another Fake Cryptosoft site

This specific website is linked to their Trustpilot account, with multiple (fake) positive reviews.

Fake Cryptosoft Reviews on Trustpilot
Fake Cryptosoft Review on Trustpilot

While people may trust fellow users to share their true experiences on independent consumer review sites such as Trustpilot, we advise you to proceed with caution. The scammers have noticed this and use fake accounts, created specifically for this purpose, to mislead the reader into trusting them. Therefore, think twice before concluding that a review is authentic.

Notice that Cryptosoft’s positive reviews never offer any real pieces of information, just sing praises and thank the company. It’s all very generalized, without mention of any specific reasons why they think so highly of Cryptosoft.

Moreover, all positive reviews lack any nuance whatsoever. According to their accounts, Cryptosoft is an entirely perfect trading bot, lacking any semblance of a flaw. 

Also, take note that those people only have that one review. Could it be that Cryptosoft had impressed them so much that they simply had to register on Trustpilot in order to tell everyone about how great it is? Not really, these reviews are definitely fake.

And when looking at the negative reviews, it is noticeable that they are usually written by the people who have posted something else.

Real Cryptosoft Reviews on Trustpilot

But the real treasure in this particular Cryptosoft review is that the person named Russ. He has posted a negative review about one of their websites, but also another one for the other website.

negative review of CryptoSoft
another real review of Cryptosoft

From here, it is easy to conclude that these scammers redirect potential users to yet another website for the offshore brokers, making it impossible to retrieve money once people figure out their scheme.

Similar Trustpilot reviews have several scam crypto bots we have written about:

Ease of Use Means It’s Easier to Con Users

Seemingly, the only nice thing that we can say about this trading robot is that it’s rather easy to use it. And when you think about it, that’s not really nice, after all. 

Obviously, the scammers have concluded that the easier it is to use their fraudulent software, the higher the chances of users leaving their money for the scammers to take.

It seems they’ve actually put a lot of effort into making the user interface smooth for use. Truly, completing the registration form and placing a deposit with Cryptosoft is easy, but losing that deposit is equally easy.

If only they’d tried so hard regarding the other aspects of their trading bot, we could have been singing them praises now. What a truly slimy group of people.

Alarming Lack of Features

The Cryptosoft trading platform is an extremely barebones offering. The “software engineers” behind it only mention two features: Live Trading and Demo Trading. 

The Demo Trading feature can be rather helpful, both for beginner and advanced traders. Namely, it allows users to practice their trading strategies while not having to worry about losing any actual money. 

That’s because this feature offers a simulation of what real crypto trading looks like. A very neat option for developing different tactics and getting used to the user interface of a trading system.

However, given that trading with Cryptosoft will just make you lose money, it seems pointless to practice trading with its Demo Trading option. It’s definitely impossible to put your trust in any aspect of the Cryptosoft software, including the investment tactics it may suggest. 

Generally speaking, we’ve come to expect a certain range of features from auto trading platforms of this kind. Paper trading, mirror trading, portfolio management, etc. are just some of the automated trading tools that can be of great assistance to crypto investors. And that’s regardless of whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader.

That’s why those features have been an important part of any high-quality legitimate auto trading robot. Including only the live trading platform is highly suspicious and is another strong indicator of what we’re dealing with here.

It’s also noteworthy that there isn’t a working Cryptosoft mobile app. Even if we were certain this trading system was legit, we still couldn’t suggest to anyone to actually use it due to a significant lack of live trade and other features. And there’s no need to explain why a Cryptosoft app would have been useful (if this wasn’t a scam, that is). 

At times, it feels like these con artists aren’t even trying.

FAQs on Cryptosoft Trading Bot

What is Cryptosoft?

Cryptosoft is a platform meant to trick people into thinking that it is an automated trading algorithm and then take away their money. They want users to invest their money, attracting them with the allure of an easy passive income. But the users won’t ever see any income, they’ll just lose the entirety of their investment.

Is Cryptosoft a legitimate crypto trading bot?

No, it isn’t. It is an elaborate scheme to make you deposit your money for an alleged crypto trading software, only to never see it again. It’s best to completely ignore it.

How much profit can I make by using Cryptosoft?

You can’t make money with Cryptosoft at all. In fact, if you choose to begin trading with it, you will only do the opposite and lose money with this fake algorithm for automated trading. In fact, you can’t even have a live trading session for executing trades, as it’s all a scam.

Is it safe to use Cryptosoft?

It absolutely isn’t! Making money with Cryptosoft is impossible; you’ll only end up losing it. Allegedly, Cryptosoft will execute trades on your behalf and earn you a passive income, but that’s nothing more than a shameless lie.

What are the red flags indicating that Cryptosoft is a fraudulent trading robot?

There are quite a few of them. A greatly exaggerated profit prediction, fake testimonials and reviews, multiple replicated websites, a non-existent company name, etc. If inspected in isolation, these telltale signs don’t necessarily have to mean that Cryptosoft isn’t legitimate, even though they’d be suspicious. But when grouped together, they paint a different picture and have convinced us that this is a scam.

Is Cryptosoft a scam?

Cryptosoft is certainly a scam. They lure people by promising the help of a crypto trading bot to make a profit from cryptocurrency trading, only to take their hard-earned money away. They’ll call you after you leave your info in order to convince you to place a deposit, which they’ll then take off with. Don’t trust them and stay away from this fake trading bot, it offers no good profit trading.

Our Verdict: Cryptosoft Is a Scam

As we have demonstrated in this Cryptosoft review, there is plenty of evidence not to trust Cryptosoft. Nobody should invest money with them, as there will be no profit, nor will people get back the initial investment.

There are so many red flags connected with this so-called “trading platform”. On their own, none of these alarming signs are definitive proof. But when you keep seeing new and different red flags consistently, that means something’s not right. This is certainly a scam.

Also, we advise against leaving personal data with them, as they will incessantly call to try and con people out of their money. If someone wishes to invest in cryptocurrencies, we recommend checking out proven, licensed, and legitimate crypto trading platforms and bots. 

Hopefully, after reading this review and doing enough research, you’ll be able to spot a fraudulent trading system by yourself. Good luck, and stay safe.



If you’re thinking of using Cryptosoft – don’t. It’s a scam through and through, and the people behind it are just trying to steal your money… like they did mine. Ashamed to have lost quite a sum. Don’t be fooled by their fake promises.

Emily Martinez

I can say that the customer service at Cryptosoft is terrible. I had a problem with my account and tried to contact them multiple times, but never received a response. Was suspecting it’s a scam, now I’m certain.