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Bitcoin Fortune – Crypto Trading Bot Review by Traders

7 min
Bitcoin Fortune Review


Fraudulent crypto robot
Member of a criminal network
Site is broken
No cyber security
No crypto trading algorithm



  • A fraudulent crypto bot without any algorithm cannot have any pros


  • Member of an international criminal group
  • Unethical marketing 
  • No underlying algorithm
  • Unstable website
  • Quite unrealistic promises

Key takeways

  1. Promises a great technology in the form of a supposed AI-based algorithm, but is just a copy-paste scam.
  2. The site is not working and the link to their homepage redirects to another fraudulent cryptobot called BTC Trader.
  3. Is part of a network of other scam platforms.
  4. Using their website and "crypto trading bot" equals the loss of confidential data and investments


How to Use Bitcoin Fortune, and Why Not? Full Review

Bitcoin Fortune Bot Review

In this Bitcoin Fortune review, we are revealing another example of scam crypto bots. Unfortunately, the crypto industry is currently being harassed by criminals who will use any available means to take advantage of insufficient regulation and unsuspecting people. 

After Bitcoin was invented in 2009, the financial future of humankind was changed forever. However, more than one decade later, cryptocurrencies remain a vague notion for most people. The majority of the population still doesn’t know how crypto works. But, at the same time, a lot of people start hearing success stories about people getting rich from crypto. 

Trading automation, facilitated by AI technology, gave hope of bridging the gap between the opportunities of the crypto market and common people inexperienced in the latest cryptocurrency trading technology. Robots or bots can partially automate crypto trading, in the process that is called “sandwich trading”.

Unfortunately, most people still don’t understand that automation is possible only partially. We have yet to invent a machine or algorithm that doesn’t need any form of human intervention, and the same goes for crypto trading automation. Plenty of research and supervision is, unfortunately, still a necessity when dealing with automated trading systems. Getting rich thanks to a substantial crypto passive income, while relaxing and enjoying life, is still just a dream. 

In this Bitcoin Fortune review, we will see what is behind crypto trading bots that promise too much, and reveal another case of a scammy crypto robot.

Security (everything about licensing, docs, secure systems, etc)
Ease of use
Minimum deposit and payment options
Demo account
Support and tutorials
Profit (according to User reviews)
Overall rating

What Is Bitcoin Fortune Trading Bot?

When a crypto trading platform is legit, we usually begin the review with its distinctive features. However, when it comes to scammy robots for automated cryptocurrency trading, that’s impossible. That is because the majority of fake crypto robots are just the same copy-paste fraud; there’s little difference between the Bitcoin Fortune trading platform and other trading robots of its ilk out there. 

They all promise superior technology, in the form of an alleged AI-based algorithm. This algorithm, they say, has crazy accuracy (over 90%, sometimes even 99,99%) and speed. This algorithm makes thousands of dollars of profit each day, and what’s best – it’s absolutely free! Of course, not even the finest trading bots can pull that off, and this one’s supposed to be doing it while not charging anything for its service. Yeah, right.

At the same time, there’s no mention of how profitable trades are supposedly made. We’re simply supposed to believe that the Bitcoin Fortune platform can achieve such a ridiculous accuracy rate with no additional explanations whatsoever. 

What’s more, they say that automated crypto trading platforms are especially suitable for beginner traders. The newbies are a key target of this kind of fraud, as they’re attracted by the prospect of making a steady passive income without the need to first gain adequate know-how.  

Unfortunately, people without experience in crypto technology easily fall for these lies. They usually don’t know that there is no technology that can predict the crypto market with more than 70% of accuracy.

And except for lack of creativity, all these rogue bots resemble each other in lack of features. A good automated trading platform will feature a range of services, such as the shorting, arbitrage, and market-making features. On the other hand, a fake crypto trading platform won’t include any of these options.

So, on the Bitcoin Fortune system and its sister sites, there aren’t many features for a user to choose from. When you make a Bitcoin Fortune account, you’ll only get a live trading option, a demo mode, and broker assistance. 

Of course, in reality, none of these is actually functioning. The option to have a live trading session is fake, while the “brokers” are most probably criminals themselves, trying to manipulate Bitcoin Fortune users into depositing more money.

Bitcoin Fortune: Web Platform Review

Perhaps the only difference between various fraudulent copy-paste crypto trading robots is how big their lies are. Some of them lie big, others lie moderate, but in any case, all of them lie badly. 

In the case of the Bitcoin Fortune automated trading system, we have a moderate lier. For only $250, trading with Bitcoin Fortune can earn you up to $800 daily, they say. Obviously, this is a lie. It is impossible to earn so much money with a crypto bot trading account, especially in only one day and without any prior experience. Anyone promising gains as easy as that is obviously a crook, trying to hide their real intentions, and the same goes for the Bitcoin Fortune team.

Luckily, Bitcoin Fortune’s official website is currently down. However, the old link to their website redirects to another scam crypto bot named BTC Trader. Traders are strongly advised not to trade on either BTC Trader or Bitcoin Fortune websites. They are nearly the same design as many other cloned websites, made by the same criminal team behind a series of scam crypto bots such as:

Here is what we found in Bitcoin Fortune’s dirty laundry.

The Same Old “Get Rich Quick” Scheme

One of the most recognizable tactics of any scam crypto bot is to persuade people that the bot can make them rich: 

  • Quickly (in a matter of days or weeks)
  • With very little investment (only 250 dollars minimum deposit)
  • Without any effort or prior knowledge.

The same goes for the Bitcoin Fortune trading robot. On their old website, the scammers have stated that the algorithm will do all the trading, while the user only needs to come from time to time to pick up the profits. The only thing a user needs to do is to leave the deposit and personal info when registering an account.

In case you don’t place the $250 deposit right away, you can expect to receive numerous phone calls from the “Bitcoin Fortune company representative”. The scammer will insist that you deposit funds, while pretending that they’re doing it for the sake of conducting business with you. However, in reality, they just want your deposit so that they can pocket it and disappear, leaving you without your investment.

And they say that there are no fees whatsoever. The question is: why would anyone develop such an amazing algorithm and then give it away for free? Where’s logic in that? Unfortunately, these criminals aren’t here because of logic, but because of greed. They have a network of other scam platforms such as:

Furthermore, no automated crypto trading platform can ever do the trading all by itself. Trading in the crypto market is very risky and having at least basic knowledge and experience in crypto technology and alternative monetary systems is a must. Of course, AI-powered bots can be of great help. However, they don’t know what is beneficial and what’s not. They only execute tasks they were programmed to execute. Human supervision is necessary, even in the case of the best bots auto trading platform there is.

Unethical Marketing

With Bitcoin Fortune, marketing is no longer an advertising technique, but a tool for manipulation. 

First of all, in order to have a regular marketing campaign, one needs to have a product or service. In the case of Bitcoin Fortune, there is no such thing as a product or service. Everything they’re “selling” is a lie, and their only goal is to steal money and data. 

Secondly, when someone uses ads to persuade people in lies, it is not actually marketing. Rather, it is manipulation. And manipulation is exactly what Bitcoin Fortune and its creators are doing. 

So, how does Bitcoin Fortune manipulate traders to use the platform? To begin with, they create confusion between the name of a cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) and their platform. They do that by displaying a video on their website, in which people are praising the cryptocurrency. However, the criminals will present this video as if people were speaking about their platform. Yes, Bitcoin as a cryptocurrency can be very profitable. But, that is not the case with the Bitcoin Fortune crypto bot.

Another technique is to create fake news. The criminals create ads that pop up on users’ screens telling them lies about celebrities that earned insane amounts of money using Bitcoin Fortune. If clicked, the ads will redirect to the scammy website. 

The final blow is fake affiliate reviews. Criminals behind Bitcoin Fortune know very well how Google search works. Therefore, they create dozens of fake positive reviews about each of their “crypto trading bots”. So, someone doing Google research about Bitcoin Fortune would encounter a series of fake reviews, all saying how amazing this scam crypto bot is.

Bitcoin Fortune: Security and Licenses 

Bitcoin Fortune claims that they “incorporate the latest innovations in security technology to ensure your financial and personal data is always safe”. Interestingly, we don’t get to know which innovations and what type of security technology they use. Perhaps – because it’s another bluff and there is absolutely no cybersecurity on their website?

It is much more likely that they’re bluffing. Why would they invest in “latest security technology” if their own website was so cheap that it had only several landing pages?

User Feedback on Bitcoin Fortune

Bitcoin Fortune has a 4.2 (out of 5) rating on Trustpilot. This high rating is, of course, a hocuspocus, brought to you by con artists. They have somehow managed to remove all negative reviews, displaying only the positive ones, which are all fake. 

Similar Trustpilot reviews have several scam crypto bots we have been warning about:

How do we know that the reviews are fake? There are a couple of telltale signs that make it pretty obvious that what we’re reading isn’t genuine. For starters, they constantly sing praises of Bitcoin Fortune, while literally failing to mention a single flaw. Is it possible that the Bitcoin Fortune platform is really that perfect? Not really.

What’s more, none of them go into specifics, at all. They’re just saying how great this automated trading system is, but there’s hardly any explanation as to why is it so good. In short, these reviews read as a rather unrealistic account of the users’ experience, that’ll hardly fool anyone. 

Finally, you can see the “Invited” label next to the comments. Every single review has one. It means that these “users” received an email from the “company” to leave a review. In other words, the criminals created a bunch of fake reviews and then praised themselves in the comments. 

Final Verdict for Bitcoin Fortune: SCAM ALERT!

Bitcoin Fortune is a fake crypto bot. There is no superior technology and no crypto trading algorithm. Hence, there are no profits. This cheap and cunning scam has only one purpose: to steal people’s deposits and personal data. Therefore, using their website and their “crypto trading bot” is very risky, and traders are strongly advised to stay away and invest with trusted platforms instead.


What is Bitcoin Fortune?

Bitcoin Fortune is a scam crypto trading bot. Although presented as having the “latest crypto trading technology”, Bitcoin Fortune is a fake platform, which aims at stealing people’s deposits, data, and privacy. 

Is it safe to trade with Bitcoin Fortune?

No. There isn’t a single reason to trust this platform. Their website is constantly crashing, their affiliates are obviously lying, and their platform looks exactly the same as dozens of other crypto bots.

How much money can I make with the Bitcoin Fortune crypto trading bot?

It is impossible to profit from Bitcoin Fortune because it doesn’t have any underlying crypto trading algorithm. 

Is Bitcoin Fortune a scam?

Yes, there is plenty of evidence that Bitcoin Fortune is a scam, so traders should stay away from the platform unless they want to put their money at serious risk.



Sarah Lewis

As someone who has fallen victim to Bitcoin Fortune, I cannot stress enough how much of a scam this platform is. The promises of easy money and instant wealth are nothing more than a ploy to lure unsuspecting individuals into investing their hard-earned money. The website is designed to look legitimate, but it’s all smoke and mirrors. The minute you make a deposit, your money disappears into thin air, and the scammers behind Bitcoin Fortune are nowhere to be found. Do not make the same mistake I did – stay away from this fraudulent platform.

Andrew Smith

If you’re looking for a quick way to lose your money, Bitcoin Fortune is the perfect place to go. The platform promises high returns for minimal effort, but in reality, it’s nothing more than a fraud. The so-called “experts” who run the site have no idea what they’re doing, and they’re just looking to make a quick buck, better save yourself the trouble.

Emily Smith

These people claim to be experts in crypto trading, but the scammers behind Bitcoin Fortune are experts only at taking your money and disappearing into thin air, leaving you with nothing. Happened to me after reading some positive reviews, that got deleted in the meantime for being forged. So if you come upon words of praise, know it’s all lies/paid ads