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The Crypto Genius – Crypto Trading Bot Review by Traders

7 min
Crypto Genius review


Several websites
Use of multiple logos
The actual product does not exist
Deception to lure funds



  • No advantages to it, you will only lose money if you use it


  • Strange website domain names and many logos
  • Unclear business model and lack of substantial claims
  • Potential fees or deposit requirements
  • Using Cloudflare is highly suspicious
  • Too many telltale signs in one place to leave any doubts it's a fraud

Key takeways

  1. When registering, there are warnings about providing personal contact information to third-party services and receiving advertising materials after registering on the site.
  2. Positions itself as a trading platform using the most advanced trading software, that utilizes cloud computing and some other fads.
  3. Websites are 95% empty and talk about cryptocurrency or bitcoin without detailing the product's features.


How to use The Crypto Genius – full review

If you are reading reviews like this one, there is probably no need to tell you about crypto and how great it is. You must be familiar with the opportunity it provides and the amazing time we live in – the dawn of great new technology.

Then there are bots. Trading bots are a great addition to a trader’s toolset and serve as a kind of force multiplier. And they only keep getting better. However, riding on their coattails is a much more sinister phenomenon.

Scams. There are always people who prey on the less fortunate as well as risk-prone people. And let’s face it, it can be difficult to keep up with the new trends, which is exactly what the scammers are relying on. An ill-informed or misinformed population.

Luckily, there are many invested in the legit business of crypto and the bright future it promises so stick with this guide and you’ll find out just what this particular service has in store for its users.

The Crypto Genius Websites

That’s right. Not one, but several. And that’s weird, right? But before we jump into that, we start our journey with a simple Google search.

Crypto Genius 6 sites in Google

Six results. That should raise an alarm with even a careless netizen. Legitimate businesses never use multiple websites. They also never use long or convoluted website addresses. One of the domains even has a typo, reading “… genisus”. Sus indeed. They almost never use strange domains such as .app or .software. 

To an uninformed person, this may even seem like a sign of legitimacy, which is what scammers rely on. They will namedrop, use fake or inappropriate certificates, and employ any other means of attaining rapport with interested parties.

This, in and of itself, is a huge red flag. Note the liberal use of “official” and “update” as well as the “™”. Well, if the creators only used one website, there would be no need to toy around with metadata to add all that gobbledygook. Our investigation continues

Crypto Genius logos

Another unheard-of practice in legitimate businesses is using many logos. That goes entirely counter to the logic of using a logo. A logo is supposed to be a recognizable image that immediately connects with your brand. 

The quality of logos aside, the sheer number and differences between them are highly unusual. The next thing that catches the eye is the signup form. For brevity’s sake, only one is provided here, but they are all same in principle and content and differ only somewhat in design.

Crypto Genius registration

Requesting a phone number is a highly unusual practice in the world of crypto. After all, crypto is all about unplugging from the system, right? And then there is the disclaimer about sharing your personal contact information with third-party services and receiving promotional material.

Well, alright, let’s grant for the moment that the business model requires third-party traders, why would there not be an option to not receive promotional material? No other, legitimate, crypto trading app requires a phone number, and including third parties by default is another highly unusual practice in the world of crypto.

Crypto is about unplugging, freedom, privacy, being the master of your own finances. Yet these websites are demanding that we share our private information with third-party traders and for purposes of marketing. Besides, it’s very unclear how third-party traders even fit into this business model.

The Product

What we are being sold here is a piece of software. To be precise, a trading platform coupled with cutting-edge trading software that uses cloud computing and some other gobbledygook. 

Going through these web pages trying to pinpoint the exact claims is a laborious process, no doubt by design, concocted to obfuscate the real claims. Or, to be precise, lack of any substantial claims. Eventually, they converge on at least one claim: We’re being sold a trading bot, a software.

First, think about this: Why would a company that provides a trading bot and a way to buy crypto have anything whatsoever to do with any traders? Why are they introducing a middle-man and why would these traders be involved?

Then there is the issue of fees.

no fees at Crypto Genius

So, no fees? Sounds good. Sounds great! In fact, it sounds too good. How is this company making money? Suppose, the same way as these ones, we have been warning about:

They claim they invested a lot of money to develop this platform and this software. Then, there are the operational costs, price of servers, and that 24/7 customer support staff they boast about…

How does Crypto Genius works

One of the websites says this. No mention of fees but we see the magical $250 figure, a favorite of scammers. At least they are recommending it here. You can still dip your fingers into this project with, like, just $10, right? Wrong.

Deposit $250 at Crypto Genius

Yet another of these websites asks very specifically for a deposit of exactly $250. So, at the end, which is it? Is it no fees or deposits or is it $250?

The Awards

It is only natural to boast about your product. That’s what marketing mostly is. So it’s no surprise that The Crypto Genius would do it too. Awards and certifications are a great way to ease customers into trusting you with their money and information.

Awards of Crypto Genius

Again, which is it? If you are mentioning awards – you are boasting. So which awards are those? Maybe other websites will tell us more.

What is Crypto Genius

Note how much text you have to go through to get to the third passage where you can find the first semblance of an answer to the question in the header. These websites are 95% fluff and talk about crypto or Bitcoin. And no wonder because just below…

The first mention of an award! Great. Which year? Also, there is no such thing as the US Trading Association award, but if you Google “US Trading Association bitcoin awards” you will run into several similar claims made by similarly shady projects.

Then, wading through the word salad, we can see another gem.

FAQ Crypto Genius

What in tarnation is the New Spy anyway? Well, as it turns out when you are running multiple scams with multiple websites that you just recycle code and text for, these errors occur. Some of them we’ve already reviewed:

We get artifacts and clues that help us connect even more shady projects.

new spy sites

While the names of other sites may lead one to believe this might not be connected, sure enough, one of the websites is titled “New Spy” – both singular. Inside, we see all the telltale signs of a scam. Phone number, word salad, different logos, etc.

This should seal the deal even for the most trusting and enthusiastic person just looking to lose that $250 or more. But, since we’re already here, let’s keep going.

External clues

Turning to Trustpilot in the case of this scam is unsatisfactory.

Trustpilot reviews of Crypto Genius

Only two of the websites are listed, there are no reviews, and no additional info about the company or contact that we could dig into some more.

On the other hand, this may well mean that the scam is not fully developed and deployed yet and that people haven’t been hooked.

Thus, it is a cloned website, made by the same criminal team behind a series of scam crypto bots such as:

Looking up information about the website domains on ICANN gives unsurprising results.

Domain information of Crypto Genius

It is a very common strategy for scammers to use Cloudflare as it protects the identity of the person(s) registering the domain. This doesn’t mean that everyone using Cloudflare is a scammer or a hacker, but merely that such services, for all their benefits and upsides, happen to provide a safe haven for the less reputable folk.

In and of itself it isn’t solid proof, but coupled with all the other shady elements presented, this all should be enough to convince anyone to stay well away from this product.

FAQ on The Crypto Genius

What is The Crypto Genius?

It’s a complex scam designed as a wide-net-cast type of scam aiming to catch as many people as possible. Ultimately, it most likely comes down to robbing you of your initial deposit, but further solicitations are highly likely given the disclaimer about your phone number in the beginning.

Is The Crypto Genius a Scam?

Yes, in all likelihood. Unfortunately, no other platforms have caught on as of yet, but you don’t have to be the first one to leave that bad review.

How much money can I make with The Crypto Genius?

You cannot make any money with this product if the product exists at all.

Is The Crypto Genius legit?

No. All the clues compiled above heavily imply that this is a scam and any reasonable person will heed the advice to stay away from this one.



Nicholas Baker

Crypto Genius claims to be an automated trading bot that can generate huge profits, but it’s actually made just to steal your money. Lost my deposit, luckily I didn’t invest more than the minimum (which is pretty high in itself). Do not be fooled – Immediate Bitcoin is a scam without doubt.


I had high hopes for Crypto Genius, but it failed to deliver. The trades it made were consistently wrong, and I lost a lot of money because of it. Not a good piece of software.