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Is Bee Network Crypto Scam or Legit?

6 min
Is Bee Network Crypto Scam or Legit


Bee Network Crypto is a legit app used for mining Bee tokens via mobile phone, for free.

Seems like making money in crypto has never been easier and more fun! It’s as simple as downloading a Bee Network Crypto app from the Google Play or App Store and actively interacting with the app… Is it? 

Some people will say “when something looks too good to be true…”. Yet, let’s dive deeper into what is Bee Network Crypto, how this platform operates, how user-friendly it is, and, most importantly, can you earn some coins by using it and is it worth your time. 

Is Bee Network Crypto Legit

Is Bee Network Crypto Legit?

Yes, Bee Network Crypto is totally legit but allow us to back up this claim with facts. 

The app’s whitepaper provides more details about the project and clarifies the project’s goals and vision that all seem just right. The team behind the platform states that they also have plans on introducing lifestyle services, new games, and even a new social network as their user base grows larger. 

We checked Bee Network Crypto reviews on the Google Play and App Store as well. The app has an average rating of 4.3 stars and most reviewers praise it for giving them the opportunity to start earning crypto almost passively, without any hidden costs. 

It’s fair to say that the app is very thoughtfully developed and boasts a user-friendly interface so that it definitely doesn’t give off scammy vibes. Copy on their website doesn’t seem amateurish either and the team is doing their best to keep users informed about the latest updates and airdrops by publishing blog posts at least two times per month. 

Unlike scam websites, Bee Network Crypto puts an accent on their customers and connections they are building. The best thing? The app doesn’t charge any fees or ask you to pay fixed commissions to get access to it. The team strives to provide value by giving everyone a chance to interact with the app for free, plus, they’re really distributing their tokens to everyone using the app daily. 

Last but not least, their social following is really impressive. Bee Network Crypto has over 230,000 followers on Twitter and 183,000 followers on Instagram. Engagement on their posts hits the sweet spot (between 400 and 800 likes per post) and comments under these posts seem legit as well. The network has established its presence on other media, such as LinkedIn, Medium, Facebook, YouTube, etc. 

Bee token is still not listed on popular exchanges. Still, does that mean it is not legit? Not at all! 

For instance, Binance published a guide on how to buy Bee tokens via your Metamask wallet in just a couple of minutes. Do you think this reputable exchange would make posts and give publicity to scam apps? In short, they wouldn’t. However, if you ask us, instead of putting your cash into it, you can simply find a referrer, and start mining coins today, for free. 

If you have any questions and would like to get to know the users better and hear their opinion on the app, you can join their Discord group or send them an email (their response time seems more than fair as well). 

How Does Bee Network Crypto Operate

How Does Bee Network Crypto Operate?

Bee Network Crypto is an app powered by blockchain technology that allows users to earn Bee tokens by using the app regularly. As a matter of fact, the app mines Bee tokens and the process is super-easy and almost effortless. The app is totally free to download and use and earning tokens doesn’t require any financial investments – just your time. 

“Fair game for everyone” is one of the network’s slogans since you really don’t need supermachines to mine tokens. If you ever wanted to start mining Bitcoin, you probably discovered that you needed a powerful PC and expensive hardware. There’s no such a thing with Bee Network Crypto. 

The app’s users earn different roles (Pioneer, Ambassador, and Verified) as they interact with the game and with each other and exchange services and goods. Users can’t list and exchange their Bee tokens for fiat money but they can exchange it for Ethereum, and then exchange this crypto for fiat by using LBank exchange. 

Now, let’s talk more about the roles and earnings. All you have to do is to log in the app on a daily basis and tap the “bee” button (all of this won’t take you more than 10 seconds). Sure thing, you won’t have to keep the app open the entire day and it won’t be running in the background or consume your data or your battery. 

Pioneers were earning a base rate that initially sat at 1.6 Bee/hr and this number was multiplied by the number of active users per team. However, the base rate got reduced to 0,8 once the network achieved the first milestone of 100,000 users, then to 0.4 once it grew to 1 million users, and now it is 0.2 tokens per hour.  

BEE balance

0.2 Bee per hour is the current base rate for new Bee Network Crypto users also known as Pioneers.

Ambassadors refer new users (Pioneers) to join teams and each team has a unique mission to accomplish as the network releases new in-app features and moves on to the next phases. Needless to say, Ambassadors earn more Bee tokens compared to Pioneers. 

The Verifier role is still not launched but it will be as soon as the project enters Phase 2. Verified members are expected to invite new members – people they know in person and believe are ethical. The team behind the app strives to build an organic network full of trusted members. 

Finally, if you want to earn more Bee tokens, you should start referring new members as soon as possible. The more referrals you have, the more tokens you will be earning per day. However, make sure to get them on board before the number of the platform’s users hits their next milestone and before the base rate doubles down again. 

Bee Network Crypto Token

Bee Network Crypto Token Worth 

Bee Network Crypto token, Bee, is currently sitting at $0.000415 (that’s a 9.44% increase compared to last week). Still, we have to note that its price actually dropped significantly since it was launched. 

On March 3rd, 2018, Bee was trading at $0.26. Then, it found support at $0.12 in April but continued its downfall to the current levels. Bee token’s all-time high was $0.69, its market cap is at a current level of $98,255 while its circulating supply is $236 million currently. We’re expecting to see Bee’s price on a higher level as soon as the team launches new app functionalities. 

How to Start Using Bee Network Crypto

How to Start Using Bee Network Crypto? 

  1. Download the app from the Google Play or App Store
  2. Add your phone number, select your country code, and you’ll shortly get the verification code via SMS,
  3. Pick a name (ideally, the name written on your ID card)
  4. Enter referral code
  5. Start using the app and mining tokens right away! 
How Do You Find a Referrer

How Do You Find a Referrer?

If you want to start mining Bee tokens, you’ll have to find a referrer first. In fact, you won’t be able to complete the sign-up process without a referral code. You’ll find referral codes everywhere – on the Bee Network Crypto Discord server, in the comments under their Twitter/Instagram/Facebook posts, under review blog posts, and on Reddit. So, also becoming a part of the network seems a bit hard, it is actually a piece of cake! 


So, to conclude, is Bee Network Crypto scam or legit? It is legit. If you want to learn more about crypto and get your hands on this network’s growing digital asset, Bee, go for it. However, don’t expect you’ll get rich quickly by using it. Most importantly, Bee Network Crypto doesn’t even make such promises, which differentiates it from shady-deal projects.